Beautification of the town | OLLN2.0

Beautification of the town

| Posted in Propositions

I do not think that Ottignies’ potential is used in 100%. I believe there are at least few things that could be improved. Please find below some propositions to consider:

  • beautification/revitalization of the town – many towns in Belgium are famous because of how pictures they are; why not to make Ottignies even more cosy; to this end the town could be implemented with more benches (places to sit and relax); the buildings at the main street (Avenue des Combattants) could be repainted – to make it look representative; unfortunately there are no many green places here to sit and relax (the one close to the church at avenue des combattants is close to the street and it is not secluded, yet it could be achieved by growing a hedge that would separate that place from the main street and make it more cosy;
  • more pronounced connection with LLN; it seems those two towns are somehow connected ; to this end an ‘official’ health walk path between LLN and Ottignies could be created (it is ~4km) that would be perfect for Saturday/Sunday family walks, joggings, nordic walks, biking, etc; I have no doubts that ppl from Ottignies would walk to LLN, also that path could potentially create a flux of people from LLN to Ottignies, providing that there will be some kind of a ‘magnet’ here in Ottignies (see below)
  • in addition to beautification (more green and nice/cosy places) the city should provide an incentive for entrepreneurs to help them develop e.g. gastronomy-oriented businesses; if we want to make this town ‘a-place-to-go’ we have to keep here something that will attract people (e.g. the cultural center is already here + help to create few more posh restaurants + cosy green areas with benches to sit and relax).

1 thought on “Beautification of the town”

  1. Simonis dit :

    Ouah !!! Géniale l’idée d’un lien, d’une artère « physique » reliant Ottignies à Louvain-La-Neuve. Cela permettra de la mobilité douce – je suis cycliste et c’est mon principal mode de transport, de créer du lien comme on dit, des commerces éventuellement et d’oxygèner le tout avec de la végétation, moins de voiture et des bancs pour se rencontrer, se reposer…

    B. Simonis – habitant du Biéreau

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